MTEC Educational Webinar with Grant Engine, “Planning & Executing Long-term Non-Dilutive Funding Strategies”

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Date: Wednesday, February 26 at 1PM-2PM ET



This webinar will provide real-time insights on how federal agencies are reacting to the administrations stated goals, followed by identifying and tracking funding opportunities, building relationships with major funders, and end with strategies for creating long-term funding plans that align with your organization’s needs.

We will start with an update on the current funding environment under the new administration and effective strategies to navigate that environment based on our experience and recent success.

Next, we will define how to find and confirm funding opportunities that match your goals and where you are most competitive. We will also discuss how to track and stay updated on new openings. The “Find” aspect to securing non-dilutive funding.  As part of Find, we will discuss methods for networking, building relationships, and following up with major funders like the Department of Defense and BARDA. We will also cover key factors for success and illuminate the multi-stepped award process for larger pursuits.

Lastly, we will cover a crucial aspect to “Winning” funding opportunities, pursuing long-term funding strategies that have been proven to work that align with your organization’s goals and financial needs for any stage or technology type, including therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and other tools relevant to military use for DHA, CDMRP, as well as NIH, NSF, ARPA-H, and BARDA.



Sam Tetlow, CEO, Grant Engine

Jun Wang-Gregg, Grant Strategy and Program Manager, Grant Engine


**You must be current MTEC, CWMD/MCDC Member in good standing in order to attend**

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