MTEC Educational Webinar: A Simple Cost Model for Assessing the Economic Feasibility of Developing a New Biopharmaceutical Intervention

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The rising cost of drug development threatens the viability of nearly all new drugs, including those important to the DoD. The return on investment (ROI) for new therapeutics was already well below the industry’s average cost of capital before 2021; rising interest rates have only made this worse. This webinar will walk through a published economic modeling template that MTEC members can use to sharpen their case about the economic sustainability of new therapeutics proposed for DoD funding.

For an introduction to the topic prior to the webinar, our speaker, Brian Finrow, Founder/CEO of Lumen Bioscience, has shared this article from STAT news:

Speakers: Brian Finrow, Founder/CEO, Lumen Bioscience Inc.

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