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We look forward to seeing you at MHSRS! Please stop by our booth (801) in the exhibit hall to talk with our team. Several MTEC members have been invited to give poster presentations at the MTEC booth. Please look at the attached schedule for who is presenting.

Additionally, several members of the MTEC community presenting at the official MHSRS poster sessions in the Osceola Ballroom or have been invited to give oral presentations during the breakout sessions. Some of topics being presenting on are highlighted below.

Poster Session 1, Tuesday Morning (1000-1200):

“Novel Treatments, Strategies and Technologies in Hearing and Balance Health”

“Physiological monitoring based virtual clinical decision support tools for austere medicine: pains, gaps, and “blue sky” solutions from the medics’ perspective”

“Treatment of Noncompressible Torso Hemorrhage with a Novel Intraabdominal Field Deployed Thermoreversible Foam”

“Technologies for the Treatment of Battlefield Hemorrhage and Management of Vascular Dysfunction”

“Stem Cell-Derived Recombinant Proteins Accelerate Kidney Repair”

“Current Challenges in DoD Aerospace Medicine”

“Objective Endpoint Determination for Burn Wound Debridement”

“A Comparison of Machine Learning Burn Classification Training Methods: Is Histology a Useful Ground Truth?”

“Quantitative Determination of Burn Wound Severity Using Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging – A Comparison of In-vivo Human to Porcine Skin”

Poster Session 2, Tuesday Afternoon (1500-1700):

“TBI Management: Epidemiology and Down Range Management”

“Automatic airway segmentation for the assessment of proximal airway volume in acute respiratory distress syndrome using optical coherence tomography and deep-learning”

Poster Session 3, Wednesday Morning (1000-1200):

Julie Lucas – look at MTEC on Tuesday

“Muscle Fiber Fragments as a Point Of Care Therapy for the Restoration of Muscle Tissue Function”

“Innervation of the Bioengineered Muscle Construct in a Muscle-Nerve Injury Model”

“Stem Cell-Derived Secretome Therapies for Wound Healing Applications”

“Multiaxial Bioreactor Integrated with an Environmental Monitoring System for the Treatment of Skin Wound”

“Development of a Sensor-Integrated Uniaxial Bioreactor for Maturation of Muscle Tissue”

“Development of a Universal Bioreactor Platform for Regenerative Medicine Applications”

Podium Presentations:

Monday August 26, 2024

1430-1730: Advances in Diagnosis of TBI: Biomarkers and Beyond

Tuesday August 27, 2024

0800-1000: “An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to Enhance Warfighter Readiness”

1300-1500, Far Forward Battlefield Diagnostic Imaging: “Optical Imaging Approach to Measure Burn Wound Severity and the Percentage of Total Body Surface Area”

1315: “Developing financially sustainable biomedical products with military relevance”

1530-1730: “Remote Damage Control Resuscitation Innovation to Prolong the Golden Hour”

Wednesday August 28, 2024

0800 – 1000: “Technologies for the Treatment of Battlefield Hemorrhage and Management of Vascular Dysfunction”

0800-1000: “New Approach Methodologies and Novel In Vivo Models for the Development of Infectious Disease Countermeasures”

0845-1045: “A novel, reverse-phase-shifting, thermoreversible foaming hydrogel containing antibiotics for the treatment of traumatic tissue injuries in a swine model – a pilot study”

1530 -1730: “Global Health Engagement Research in Combatant Commands”

Thursday August 29, 2024

11:15-13:15: “Solutions Addressing Behavioral Health Clinician Shortage – Leveraging Telebehavioral Health”

1315: “Novel Strategies for Treatment of Shock or Blood Failure: Blood and Blood Products”

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