MTEC MCorps Showcase Webinar with PVR: Successful Clinical Trials in War Conditions: The Case of Ukraine

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The current global landscape presents unprecedented challenges for clinical trials, with the severity of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) at an all-time high. The lack of global stability and degree of uncertainty have never been greater. Amidst this, the clinical trial ecosystem has proven resilient, maintaining, and even expanding activities. Leading providers have gained unique experience managing clinical trials in conflict and war zones. For example, in Ukraine, PVR has sustained all existing trials and initiated new ones, particularly focusing on sponsors developing medical devices and medicinal products beneficial in combat conditions.

This webinar will describe the current state of clinical trials in Ukraine, showcasing how the country has adapted to the challenging circumstances while providing an effective platform for testing products relevant to war conditions. The webinar will highlight the unique value of conducting clinical trials in Ukraine for MTEC members and will share recent case studies to illustrate this.

PVR, an MTEC member, is a well-established CRO providing services in key Eastern European and Middle Eastern locations. In addition to end-to-end CRO services, we provide clinical trial logistics and patient-centric support. Given the situation in Ukraine, PVR has gained valuable experience managing clinical trials in war zones, successfully initiating trials for U.S. sponsors, and collecting data that has been submitted to the FDA as part of the market approval process for medicinal products and medical devices. 


Moderator: Samuel Gal Alterovich, Co-founder, and Chairman of the Board, PVR


Oleh Makarchuk, CEO, PVR

Kate Orobchenko, Chief Commercial Officer, PVR

Yaroslava Zhurikhina, Global Clinical Project Manager, PVR

Maksym Moskalenko, Regulatory Affairs Expert, Clinical Research Associate, PVR

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