Patients: Medical Devices and Platforms for Therapeutics Development. Learn more about the capabilities and technologies being developed in the Bioengineering Division at Draper and explore opportunities to collaborate. Draper is a nonprofit technology innovation company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Draper serves our nation’s interests and security needs; advances technologies at the intersection of government, academia, and industry; cultivates the next generation of innovators; and solves the most complex challenges. Multidisciplinary teams drawn from a broad and deep talent pool of 1,200 engineers and scientists collaborate to develop first-of-a-kind solutions. Our unbiased approach enables us to focus on our customers’ needs and to deliver new capabilities to them. Today we will provide an overview of Draper capabilities across a range of applications and technical domains, followed by two deeper dives into specific technology development programs aimed at addressing urgent needs in health care. The first is the development of next generation devices for treatment of respiratory failure, addressing critical gaps associated with the safety, efficacy and availability of current modalities. We will then present our progress on the development of platforms for drug development and screening, designed to overcome current limitations in the use of animal models and cancer cell lines in preclinical development. These examples are representative of a broader set of Draper capabilities leveraging advanced technologies toward some of the most urgent and challenging problems in medicine. Engage with Draper to increase your awareness of our organization’s capabilities and see where there may be opportunity to collaborate. Speakers: Jonathan Cash, Senior Program Manager & Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein, Laboratory Fellow

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