Date: Wednesday March 19 at 1PM-2PM ET
1:00-1:30 PM ET
CSSi LifeSciences: “Pathway for Accelerating your Novel Research Discovery to Commercialization.”
The pathway to commercialization for a novel medical technology is challenging. Often it is the strategy that fails, and not the technology. Defining your goals and creating a strategic roadmap to help you mitigate time and cost risks is critical to success. There are numerous design, analytic, animal safety, cGMP, quality, and market access considerations prior to obtaining FDA approval. Unfortunately, assembling an expert team can be prohibitively expensive who are forced to bring in individual consultants as the needs arise. This approach may lead to disjointed tasks not aligned with the product strategy, or a development strategy that does not consider the numerous phases that are appropriate for the stage of development. CSSi LifeSciences can help you establish a strategic roadmap through the FDA and commercialization through a process that mitigates time, costs, and risks.
Speaker: Jim Sergi, Founder and President, CSSi LifeSciences
1:30-2:00 PM ET
The Conafay Group: “Federal Relations Focused on Defense and National Health Security.”
Defense health and national health security are complex, rapidly changing domains, particularly under the new administration. Early engagement with the federal government can help MTEC members better understand the funding landscape and be able to submit more competitive proposals. Working with a capable federal relations firm like The Conafay Group can also help to diminish or remove impediments to marketing a new product. From this webinar, you will gain and understanding of The Conafay Group’s expertise and services, to include our ability to work the federal appropriations process and our scientific knowledge in defense and national health security as well as other life sciences and biomedical areas.
Speaker: Jessica Kenyon, CEO, The Conafay Group
**You must be current MTEC or CWMD/MCDC Member in good standing in order to attend**