MTEC offers two distinct pathways for organizations and experts to engage with MTEC’s mission of advancing medical technology. Choose the path that best suits your expertise and goals:

MTEC Membership is open to companies, universities, foundations, and research organizations with specialized knowledge in the technology areas aligned with MTEC’s mission.  MTEC members include those proposing projects to be funded (proposing members) and those who are subject matter experts in medical technology development and commercialization that offer services to support proposing members (M-Corps).

MTEC Proposing Membership

(Eligible to submit proposals as the lead)

MTEC Membership is open to companies, universities, foundations, and research organizations with specialized knowledge in the technology areas aligned with MTEC’s mission. As a proposing member, you will have the opportunity to compete for funding to support innovative projects that drive medical technology forward.

M-Corps Membership

(Eligible to participate as a subcontractor on proposals)

The M-Corps is a trusted network of subject matter experts and service providers ready to assist MTEC proposing members as a subcontractor with their technical, regulatory, and business needs associated with medical product development.

If you need assistance deciding which membership type is right for you, please reach out to us at
We’re here to help!